Forever Infinite Vast Eternity (2022)

Listen and/or Buy at: Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube, Pandora, Deezer, and anywhere that streams/sells music.
01. Agnostic
02. Knowing You Exist
03. Star Pockets
04. We Make Our Own Magic
05. Joy Bugaloo
06. My Mind’s Eye *
07. Resonance *
08. Cotton Candy Clouds
09. Boogie Orbit
10. Dreams Don’t Chase Themselves
All songs written and recorded by Randal Gordon Prater
* Written and recorded by Randal Gordon Prater and Benjamin Christian Thompson (rhythm guitar)
Published by Doldrum (BMI)
This was my first post-pandemic album and my fifth solo release. I attempted to create an escapist journey to the stars with a grateful spirit and a heavy dose of introspection.
Fun Fact: “Joy Bugaloo” is track five on my fifth solo album. It also references the numbers five and fifty-five in the lyrics.
Released December 18, 2022
Solo Seasons (2020)

Listen and/or Buy at: Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube, Pandora, Deezer, and anywhere that streams/sells music.
01. Doorway Effect
02. Ephemeral
03. Sandalwood
04. Licorice Memories
05. Ghost Notes
06. Half Century Boy
07. Kaleidoscopes For Corneas
08. Full Crow Moon
All songs written and recorded by Randal Gordon Prater
Published by Doldrum (BMI)
This was my first album in six years, written and recorded in January and February, 2020. It is the first collection of songs that were entirely written on piano instead of guitar or bass, like previous records.
I wanted the album title to reflect a solitary experience with the seasonal change of a calendar year. Tracks 1 and 2 are the spring songs, 3 and 4 = summer, 5 & 6 = autumn, 7 & 8 winter. If you pay attention to the lyrics, only the even numbered tracks mention the season it reflects.
For the Easter egg hunters among you, all seven letters were used in the musical keys, with E being the repeat offender on the eighth song. These are the keys and tempos for anyone wanting to complete the puzzle: Am, Bm, C#m, Dmaj7, Em, E5, F#m, G5, 80, 88, 92, 100, 120, 128, 140, 160 (note all the tempos are divisible by four since it’s the 4th solo album).
Two dates in 2020 were important for this album. March 9th was the full crow moon (the name of the final track). It was the final full moon of winter before turning to spring on March 19th (the official album release date).
Released March 19, 2020
Isosceles (2014)

Listen and/or Buy at: Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube, Pandora, Deezer, and anywhere that streams/sells music.
01. Glass Half Full *
02. From Bleak to Bliss **
03. Circumcenter ***
04. The Slow Burn *
05. Little Moon
06. Blueberries & Bicycles ****
07. Perfect in Our Space *****
08. Sunday Morning High
09. Dig My Heels ******
All songs written and recorded by Randal Gordon Prater
Published by Doldrum (BMI)
* Written and recorded by Graig Markel (music), Randal Prater (lyrics/vocals), Published by In Spades Music (BMI), Doldrum (BMI)
** Written and recorded by Peter Sawtell (music), Randal Prater (lyrics/vocals), Published by Doldrum (BMI)
*** Written by Kate Clark (music), Randal Prater (lyrics), Recorded by Kate Clark (piano), Graham Fox (drums/percussion), Randal Prater (vocals), Published by Doldrum (BMI)
**** Written and recorded by Aileen Paron (music), Randal Prater (lyrics/vocals), Published by Doldrum (BMI)
***** Written and recorded by Terri Moeller (keys), Randal Prater (percussion/lyrics/vocals), Published by Groove Bunker (ASCAP), Doldrum (BMI)
****** Written by Michael Roe, Mark Harmon, Bruce Spencer, Recorded by Peter Sawtell (guitar), Martin Adams (bass/guitar), Kate Clark (keys), Mike Troupe (drums), Randal Prater (vocals), Published by Fools Of The World, LTD. (ASCAP)
Sunday Morning High recorded by Peter Sawtell (guitar), Martin Adams (bass/guitar), Randal Prater (percussion/vocals)
This was my first album after I was unable to play guitar due to a nerve condition in my hands and arms. The unreleased demo for Sunday Morning High was the last time I touched a guitar for nearly fifteen years. I got by ‘with a little help from my friends.’ The folks listed above contributed music for me to write lyrics and melody over the top of so I could still continue to write and record songs. It was a dark era, for obvious reasons. But, I still think the songs turned out great, in spite of everything.
Released December 18, 2014
Second Tuesday of Never (2009)

Listen and/or Buy at: Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube, Pandora, Deezer, and anywhere that streams/sells music.
01. Bare Branches & Beauty
02. Control Alt
03. Double Deuce
04. Elephant in This Room
05. Hiding in Plain Sight
06. Latency
07. Lazy Haze
08. Mating of the Souls
09. Miss Ethereal
10. Moore’s Law
11. Penetration
12. Rush So Slowly
13. Time Is Impatient
All songs written and recorded by Randal Gordon Prater
Published by Doldrum (BMI)
01. Helen Bell (viola/vocals)
02. Martin Adams (guitar/vocals)
04. Winston Ackland (organ/vocals)
05. Mimi Carpenter (vocals)
06. Phemie Alcott (piano/vocals)
08. Grace Buford (piano/vocals)
11. Suzen Juel (vocals)
12. Peter Sawtell (guitar)
13. Anna-Lynne Williams (vocals)
This was my second solo album. To get a sense of duality, I invited one friend per song to add some accompaniment. I was thrilled with everyone’s contribution. My parts were mostly dry and always acoustic and simple. No drums or bass this time. It was more of an indie folk record than a rock record. I believed when I finished the album that it was my best collection of songs to date. It also happened to be the final album I was able to play guitar on until 2024 (The Shy Reserve – Azuline).
Released November 25, 2009
Falling to Pisces (2008)

Listen and/or Buy at: Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon, Bandcamp, YouTube, Pandora, Deezer, and anywhere that streams/sells music.
01. Dusting For Angels
02. Retrograde
03. Giving Up The Ghost
04. Mothers Of Uncertain Tranquility
05. Permagrin
06. Bathed In Lavender
07. Recto-Verso
08. Any Given Tomorrow
09. Forevermore
10. Dawn Dusks Midnight
11. The Kissing Window
12. Pisces
All songs written and recorded by Randal Gordon Prater
Published by Doldrum (BMI)
This was my debut solo album after writing/recording albums with bands (The Pagan States, Creeping Myrtle). I played all the parts myself. I was quite proud of this recording at the time. This was my zodiac project. Twelve tracks, each representing an astrological sign, starting with Aries and ‘falling’ to Pisces. But, while most people focus on the sun sign (I’m a Scorpio), I wanted to write about the moon sign (I’m a Pisces) because that is our hidden or ’secret’ side.
Released March 20, 2008